Tumor Free!!! — My Fitness Journey Post-Sternotomy- Week 7

Darby Raul
2 min readMay 14, 2022

Today, I was declared tumor free by my Doctor. This was probably the happiest day of my life since I was diagnosed with this rare tumor.

I have been waiting for the biopsy result for more than a month now. You see, labs in the Philippines are monopolized, which is kinda frustrating. The whole battle lasted 7 months. It could be shorter if only we have proper healthcare system at place.

The real torture was the waiting game. Not even the wounds. Not the scars. But probably the bureaucracy. This deserves another story.

Anyway, I am very very grateful for the results. I am also proud of myself for keeping it all together.

Week 7, I was already able to run and jog. A few weeks ago, I can only run for around 100 meters. But recently, I was able to run for around 750 meters,non-stop. I was able to observe if there were pains from surgery, but glad I was OK. Based on research, there are no definite timeline for healing. According to doctors, it is always dependent on the patient. I am extra careful though.

Since I am ok, I tried challenging myself to carry 4kg each hand for biceps exercises. I also did some squats and lunges using my dad’s old dumbells. And again, I was pain free. People around me were worried. Understandable. I am just on my 7th week.

Hammer curls. I am still in awe that I was able to do carry these.
Lunges. Ugh. I hate lunges.

Today, as I write this, I am preparing myself for my return to the gym. I am also planning for my meals for next week. Wish me luck!!!

